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Empty High – Poem on Alchohol Addiction By Shalini Samuel

Don't Drink or Drug Poems

A Toast to Nothingness

We crossed International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. There were many awareness posts all over the internet, especially on alcohol addiction. Some events were also held here and there. Today, we are all back to our routine work. How many of you have decided to leave this addiction? Are you even planning to try to leave these habits?

Of all, alcohol is more common. Laborers are more addicted to it, and sadly, the little money they earn goes to these bottles to feed the pockets of the elite who own these breweries. Most of them end up in cancer hospitals with TB and stomach/liver problems. The family is the one who suffers the most. Though people see how alcohol slowly kills people, no one brings up their strong will to stop this demon.

Smokeless tobacco is too common among youth, which can lead to oral cancer. Despite all these cautionary notices like SMOKING is injurious to health, no one cares. Men and women who use them often start with curiosity and cannot leave it. The government is not going to take steps. It’s a good business for a businessman, bringing more revenue to the government. But what about your health? What about your loved ones? Can you think for a second, please?

Empty High – A Poem On Alcohol Addiction

Drugs, smoking, and alcohol
Why do you need it?
It’s not a status symbol.
It’s not a manly pride.
It’s not healthy
It’s not guts
The high you feel
Oh, it’s a destructive pyre.

Slowly drags you into the pit.
Pulls your family and burns all
Don’t drink, my friend
Please don’t drink.
A distorted reality you perceive
as each drop enters your blood,
and the smoke fills your lungs
friends become foes and devils, friends.

Relationships shatter or choke
succumbing to your numbing brain
You miss the authentic joy of life
Do you think it drives away your pain?
Aren’t you bringing in more tears?
Why can’t you realize? Think before you drink.
Let your hands slip the poison cup.

Holding the chalice is not your purpose
Drop it now before it turns into a disease
Life has more for you.
Stop putting your family to shame.
Don’t let them cry because of you
Leave it today, and stay blessed.

It starts with a drop but kills you slowly
It may take years, but when it tightens the hold
You can do nothing; watch the world
How it cries and regrets the cup it held once.
You are lucky to read this and have one more chance.
Say goodbye to drugs and alcohol today, please!

Written By

Shalini Samuel

The Silent Slide: Protecting Our Youth From Glamorized Alcohol And Smoking!

The world is now ignorant of moral values and a good life path. We are ready to accept people who walk on the wrong path. It’s their personal life, we say. We have stopped saying this is wrong(not bad in some sense). Instead, we have learned to ignore these habits in society. Or somehow, we have decided to accept it and encourage it as fashion or current norms of a changing India!
But shouldn’t we speak about the worse things? Why is it dangerous? If we don’t speak up, how will the growing young know the path has dangers? If we keep ignoring the dark side, all the kids will see are men and women enjoying life, drinking, and smoking. It will look attractive, and they will be quick to pick it. So somewhere, we should stop these wrong inspirations from getting into the young generation’s minds. Isn’t it?
Let’s be vocal in saying no to alcohol, drugs, and smoking. Don’t romanticize it and make it look normal. IT’S NOT.EVEN IF ITS A PEG.

This needs to stop. We must raise our voices again, united in a clear message: No to alcohol, drugs, and smoking.


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